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THE FALL OF ATHENS. A BOOK REVIEW by Luca Zanchi Some years ago, as I decided to transition from being a Diamanda Galàs’ devoted fan into a scholar studying her art, I struggled trying to understand her cultural roots. How is one to approach the grief, despair, love,…

Zabrzmiał nieludzki, fascynujący wokal Diamanda Galás (Wroclaw, Poland)
By KORNELIA GŁOWACKA-WOLF 19.06.2015 20:01 Głos nieprawdopodobny, o niewiarygodnej skali, świdrujący mózg, rozrywający serce – od pisku po charkot przez szept, jęk do krzyku, do tego zapętlona transowa muzyka – w Imparcie amerykańska artystka zaprezentowała ekspresyjny i mroczny “Das Fieberspital” oparty na tekstach Georga Heyma i jej własnych. Artykuł otwarty…

Krzyki, szepty i jęki – demoniczna Diamanda Galas we Wrocławiu Agata Saraczyńska 12.06.2015 12:25 A A A Drukuj Diamanda Galas (Materiały prasowe. Austin Young) “Das Fieberspital”, najnowszy utwór, nad którym pracuje Diamanda Galas, jedna z najniezwyklejszych współczesnych wokalistek, będzie miał oficjalną premierę podczas Olimpiady Teatralnej w 2016 roku, 18 czerwca jego fragment przedstawi w…

Living in a Material World
Living in a Material World Madonna fights back against ageism and sexism in the entertainment industry Madonna performing at the 57th Annual Grammy Awards: “The disgusting comments towards her age and behaviour at the Grammys in February were some of the most regressive made towards a woman in recent memory.”…

Diamanda Galás to deliver keynote address at UCLA’s Voice Studies Now Conference
DIAMANDA GALÁS to deliver Keynote address “IN THE MOUTH OF THE CROCODILE” at UCLA’s Voice Studies Now Conference Friday, January 30, 2015 4pm, Schoenberg Hall Free and Open to the Public One of the most exceptional singers and performance artists of our time visits UCLA for an unprecedented free event:…

A Homicidal Love Song For the Solo Scream: On the Music of Psychotic States of Mind, by Lech Kalita
“A HOMICIDAL LOVE SONG FOR SOLO SCREAM”: ON THE MUSIC OF PSYCHOTIC STATES OF MIND By Lech Kalita From the bilingual (English/Polish) book “Art and Freedom”, published by Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków (Poland).Kalita discusses the yet unintelligible communication of psychotics, and does an analysis of the composition “Wild…

Diamanda Galás Master’s Residency 2014-2015 Grotowski Institute
Diamanda Galás will begin the Master’s Residency (2014-2015) at the Grotowski Institute from November 18-December 8 for her work on Die Daemonen der Stadt (words: Georg Heym, music: D. Galás). Die Daemonen der Stadt is the second part of the large work that commences with Das Fieberspital (text: G. Heym,…

To Writers Unpublished by Gorgon from Intravenal Sound Operations:
It has come to our attention that a Italian monograph on the work of Diamanda Galás that was to be published by Gorgon Magazine has lost its funding, leaving many excellent essays unpublished. If you wrote a piece for Gorgon Magazine, please send it to us at diamanda.assist at gmail…

Diamanda Galás and the Mythic Image, by Michael Flanagan
When listening to Diamanda Galás in the past I have been struck by both the imagery she uses and that she evokes both audibly and visually. For me she has struck on a number of iconic images, both from Greek cultural history and myth, which enrich and inform her work…